Pipeline Operators should be aware of the fact that a number of instrument and pipeline survey companies are offering sham (fraudulent, deceptive, dishonest) techniques as DCVG. These sham techniques are based on variations of CIPS (Close Interval Potential Surveys) and bear no direct relationship to the true DCVG technique as invented in the early 80s by John Mulvaney.  

Purveyors of these fraudulent methods obviously do not understand how the true DCVG technique works and also can have very little understanding of the CIPS technique not to realise that the limitations and errors built into CIPS prevent it ever giving data similar in nature and quality to the true DCVG technique. 

The CIPS and Sham DCVG techniques are set out in the Technical Paper: – 

“Understanding voltage surveys results in reliable coating data”,  Pipeline & Gas Industry, March 2001 

Below are some documents explaining sham and scam DCVG: