What can the ProCoMeter be potentially used for?
Non-destructive Testing of the Painting/Coating of objects such as bridges, tanks, ships, cars, aeroplanes, gates, metal fences.
Research and Development of New Paint/Coating products.
Research and Development of New Paint/Coating products.
Non-destructive Testing of the Coating of new pipelines before burying, above ground Pipelines or exposed pipelines, Metal Monuments and Museum Artefacts.

What are the benefits?
Imagine you have had your bridge or tank painted/coated. You then have to pay the paint/coating contractor not knowing whether the paint/coating will last 1 year or 20 years. Now you can quality test it with the ProCoMeter. Reassurance that the paint/coating will last a long time, or else getting the contractor to repaint if not performed to a quality standard.
Imagine you have an ongoing paint/coating maintenance programme which means objects get repainted/recoated after 10 years. Now imagine you can test the paint to avoid coating for another 10 years, saving you money getting the object repainted/recoated.
Imagine you are having problems on your pipeline but don’t know whether it’s the coating or some other condition. You can use the ProCoMeter to troubleshoot.
Imagine you are having problems on your pipeline but don’t know whether it’s the coating or some other condition. You can use the ProCoMeter to troubleshoot.
How does it work?
The ProCoMeter stands for Protective Coating Meter a Portable Electrochemical Noise Meter which we have nicknamed the PENM.
After analysing the data using the ProCoMeter, the software produces an Rn value. That Rn value tells you whether the coating is degrading or not and whether you need to replace the coating to continue to protect the metal object from corrosion.
The ProCoMeter uses Silver Chloride Probes or Copper Sulphate Probes.
The ProCoMeter can be used on site.
It is manufactured in the UK by the expert Scientific Manufacturing capibilities of DC Voltage Gradient Technology and Supply Ltd (DCVG Ltd).
DCVG Ltd has the ability to connect electronics with scientific projects through the scientific experience of Dr Sarah Leeds.
DCVG Ltd specialise in researching, developing and manufacturing electronics in small volume scientific markets, which many companies will not pursue because of their limited profit potential and high research and development costs.
Imagine you have an ongoing paint/coating maintenance programme which means objects get repainted/recoated after 10 years. Now imagine you can test the paint to avoid coating for another 10 years, saving you money getting the object repainted/recoated.
Imagine you are having problems on your pipeline but don’t know whether it’s the coating or some other condition. You can use the ProCoMeter to troubleshoot.
Imagine you are having problems on your pipeline but don’t know whether it’s the coating or some other condition. You can use the ProCoMeter to troubleshoot.